During the competition season, a horse’s digestive system must deal with quite a lot, including large quantities of concentrates and supplements.
This, along with stress, frequent transport, and repeated long periods without much forage often brings the sensitive gut flora out of balance and causes digestion problems. The equine digestive system is also crucially linked to the immune system. Horses become more susceptible to disease and injury when their digestive systems are not functioning properly.
Use the time off between shows to give your horse some recovery time.
As the equine digestive system is designed to digest mainly forage, a high fiber diet is essential to give your horse’s gut a rest and let him recover in time for the next round of shows.
During this period, switch to an adapted diet of hay and high-fiber concentrates like Cavalor FiberForce. Continue this regimen for six weeks. It will keep energy low, provide extra fats and fiber, and keep sugars and starches to a minimum. You’ll be giving your horse everything he needs without taxing his digestive system. FiberForce helps bring the digestive system back into balance.