

Additional information

  • Promote joint health: Glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, and hyaluronic acid promote healthy joints
  • Reduce inflammation: This horse joint supplement helps reduce joint inflammation for improved flexibility with less pain
  • Increase blood flow: Helps increase circulation to reduce inflammation, strengthen muscles, and ensure hoof health
  • Support immune health: Stimulates the body’s immune status to fight autoimmune reactions
  • Prevent damage: Contains the necessary nutrients to help build synovial fluid and protect joints from further damage




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Cavalor ArtiTec gives our equine athletes what they need during periods of intense work. Cavalor ArtiTec is the result of 7 years of scientific research (in collaboration with UGent) on optimum nutritional supplements for healthy tendons and joints in top-class sport horses. The resulting specific combination and balance of substances not only promotes healthy tendons and joints, it also offers ideal protection against damage caused by strain. Cavalor ArtiTec’s herbal substances have synergistic effects which help to stop these adverse processes in the musculoskeletal system before they can cause damage. In a pilot study Cavalor ArtiTec was found to be palatable by 97% of the horses, and 74% showed observed improvement.

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OVERSTRESSED JOINTS A joint is the hinge between 2 bones. In between is a layer of viscous synovial fluid that lubricates and protects the cartilage at the end of the bone. The muscles, tendons and ligaments around the joint absorb shocks and keep it safely in place. If your horse is doing intense work, the joints will endure a lot of friction from the bones because the quality of the synovial fluid decreases.

Overuse, age, injury and infection cause inflammation. If your horse has recurring inflammations, the composition of the synovial fluid changes, becoming thinner and losing its ability to properly cushion shocks. This makes the articulated movement of the joints less supple and increases the risk of serious injuries.

Joint problems worsen over time. Large impacts damage the cartilage beyond repair. That damage then spreads to other parts of the body, such as the muscles and ligaments, and can eventually lead to lameness.


It’s all in the mix− a sophisticated blend of herbal ingredients. The Cavalor Arti line features a special blend of herbs and essential oils, including Ananasus comosus, Curcuma longa, Boswellia serrata, Equisetum arvensis, Echinacea purpurea and Citrus aurantifolia. The ingredients in this blend have additive and synergistic effects that are scientifically proven by our researchers. This blend of herbs and essential oils ensures speedy effectiveness for joint recovery and reduces stiffness. Here, too, we pay a great deal of attention to the quality of our raw materials, and in the case of herbs it really does make a difference in terms of guaranteed concentration and effect. For example, the form of turmeric that we use contains 95% curcuminoids, the active ingredient.

How to use

Not every horse needs the same degree of protection. Cavalor Arti Motion supports healthy tendons and joints and is the ideal feed for growing horses and those just starting work, or not in hard work. As work intensity increases, so does the strain on tendons and joints, in turn increasing the risk of injury. Cavalor Arti Matrix meets the increased musculoskeletal needs of sport horses and provides additional support. Cavalor ArtiTec offers proven protection at peak times and helps mitigate negative effects from overload.

Recommended feeding of Cavalor ArtiTec: High-level sport horses: 30 ml 2 to 3 times per day